I have heard many rumors about beer. One of the most outlandish is that it bad for you. While this has a little truth to it, it is not entirely true. 1 thing that many people overlook is the bicep curl you get at every drink. The key to making beer drinking healthy is to take many small sips to increase the number of reps you get out of each can. This is what is called The Sip Method. Some pros have even been able to "Double Fist" which is when a man or women drinks out of a beer in both hands. After you have mastered the art of small sips its time to amp up your workout. Simply take a can of food out of the cabinet, I prefer spaghettios, and duct tape it to your wrist. You have just added some resistance to your workout. Another benefit to beer drinking is that the hopps in beer boost metabolism. I interviewed a man named Justin Kerschen and he said, "After 3 days of the sip method, I have lost 12 pounds and gained 2 inches in each bicep." He later went on to say the can of food duct taped to his wrist worked wonders but the tape gave him a nasty rash. He also said the rash was in no way related to the questionable lady he had taken home the night before. So as you can see this system works. The sip Method is a great way to be healthy and keep yourself happy.
Remember folks you can be just as happy without being extremely healthy
All beer curls aside, it is a known fact that Arnold "The Austrian Oak" Schwarzenegger would often drink an pitcher of beer after a workout. But then again what does Mr. Universe and 7 time Mr. Olympia really know about the human body?